4 Ways Trees Show Signs That They Are Dying

15 March 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Homeowners need to be privy about the health of trees on their properties. Trees that are not cared for and monitored for issues may pose a risk to humans, pets, and property. Sometimes issues that affect trees can be treated. This affords homeowners the privilege to keep trees that they want to keep. However, if issues are detected too late, tree removal may be the only solution available. It can be beneficial to get trees removed when certain issues are identified. The following points identify symptoms of trees that are in the process of dying.

Root Damage

A significant portion of tree root systems is located underground. The raised portions can give insight into the health of trees. Damaged roots need to get assessed by a professional. Severe damage is a good indicator that a tree likely will not survive. It is best not to wait for a tree to completely die because it may fall down at any time. The roots are responsible for stabilizing and balancing the weight of trees and ensuring that nutrients and water are delivered to ensure tree health. 

Large Brittle Branches

A dying tree will develop brittle branches. These branches may fall off. If branches continue to fall off a tree, it is proper to assume that it is slowly dying. It is possible for a tree to appear healthy in certain areas but have other areas that are obviously dead. The dead portions may be on one side or in a certain location. When large branches are the areas affected by decay, it is reasonable to assume that the decay is significant and will require tree removal. Trees can be assessed to determine if they are salvageable, which will highly depend on the extent of the decay.

Thinning Bark

Healthy trees can regenerate bark. Trees that appear to have bark that is eroding away are likely showing signs of slow death. They may develop fissures or become hollow. As the health of a tree in this condition continues to decline, bark splitting is likely. This can lead to a fallen tree, which might cause serious incidents on a property. 

Lack of Foliage

Another phenomenon that occurs when trees die is that they lose leaves and never grow them back. Normal leaf shedding occurs during the fall months. However, foliage shedding that is related to a dying tree may occur during any season. The leaves may appear discolored or dried. There might also be leaves with holes or dark spots signaling the presence of disease.

For more information, contact a company like Sal's Landscape & Tree Service.
